Shadow Creatures is the brainchild of two shady sisters; Sólveig Ragna Guðmundsdóttir and Gunnhildur Edda Guðmundsdóttir.
Sólveig has a MA from the AA Architect school of Aarhus; graduated in summer 2009
Edda has a BA frome the Icelandic Academy of The Arts.
Shadow Creatures is a new Icelandic clothing label for progressive young people that can think for themselves. We are all about luxury, comfort and indulgence. Darkness, tenderness and mystery. Let yourself get carried away. Follow us into the dark...
We pride ourselves in making top of the line high fashion clothing. Nothing is too good for our divine costumers!
You can buy Shadow Creatures in Kiosk store on laugarvegur 33. 101 Reykjavik.
Website/international webshop: Coming soon...